
Showing posts from May, 2010


Thinking about "things you should do before you die" lists, books, shows, etc. Shouldn't it just be "Cool Things to Do" or "Cool Things to Do before you end up in a Rascal", or "Cool Things to Do before you get Alzheimer's?" I mean, my corpse wouldn't have any fun doing any of this stuff no matter how great it is. And if there's an afterlife, I'll have no memory about my previous life, right? And don't even get me started on channeling.

OOPS! They Did It Again!

This just in from Wilmette, Illinois - not another bragmail solicitation for more moola from my high school alma mater, Loyola Academy, but an announcement that smells about as bad as a mid-July three feet high ale-wife die-off on the shores of Lake Michigan. (For anyone raised away from the Great Lakes, every picture tells a story. All you need is smell-o-vision, and you'd be right there with me.): Jun 01, 1967 Photo: Lee Balterman/Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images Dead alewifes fish on beach of Chicago's Lake Michigan, creating stench and water pollution problem. ------- THAT WAS THEN, THIS IS NOW: Check out this from the current president of Loyola, Reverend Patrick McGrath, about the Academy's popular and longest reigning past president, Larry Reuter: It made me mad when I read it the first time. I was on boil by the third time through. This is what I shared...