OOPS! They Did It Again!
This just in from Wilmette, Illinois - not another bragmail solicitation for more moola from my high school alma mater, Loyola Academy, but an announcement that smells about as bad as a mid-July three feet high ale-wife die-off on the shores of Lake Michigan. (For anyone raised away from the Great Lakes, every picture tells a story. All you need is smell-o-vision, and you'd be right there with me.):
Jun 01, 1967
It made me mad when I read it the first time. I was on boil by the third time through. This is what I shared with Father McGrath:
I don't have anything against Patrick McGrath. I am hoping he is just the messenger, and not part of this mess. If he's good enough to answer my letter, I will post again.
Jun 01, 1967
Photo: Lee Balterman/Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images
Dead alewifes fish on beach of Chicago's Lake Michigan, creating stench and water pollution problem.
http://www.life.com/image/50674526 Check out this from the current president of Loyola, Reverend Patrick McGrath, about the Academy's popular and longest reigning past president, Larry Reuter:
It made me mad when I read it the first time. I was on boil by the third time through. This is what I shared with Father McGrath:
I don't have anything against Patrick McGrath. I am hoping he is just the messenger, and not part of this mess. If he's good enough to answer my letter, I will post again.
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