Call off that Wedding to Bacon
Maybe You Should Call off that Wedding to Bacon by TIM ROGAN The bad news is - it looks like a burger a day will... ...send us to our graves sooner. Maybe a lot sooner. Most likely, if we fuel up on some beef, pork or lamb most every day of our lives, evidence detailed in a study conducted by the Harvard School of Public Health indicates we may be spending our years a good deal sicker than our friends who cut out or go easy on the unholy trinity. The good news is that the news isn't completely grim. If you're like most people, you're not about to go cold turkey on eating beef - or turkey. Well, you can still have your meat and eat it, too - just eat less of it, less often and you'll help your health - a lot. Chalk up one for moderation. The study suggests that wading in by making real adjustments to your diet will deliver many of the benefits experienced by those willing to go for full immersion in ...