Reality Check


By Tim Rogan

Old dogs, new dogs, can or can’t, will or won’t

Learn new tricks, depending upon three things:

Motivation. Ability. Desire.

You can train a hungry mutt with food and

Motivation. A world-class natural

Gets only so far on talent without

Practice. But try stopping good players who

become great. They play hard. They train harder.

You have things to do. If you have the goods,

You’re almost there. Kick yourself in the ass.

Flip the bird at age, illness and doubters.

Julia got cooking in her forties.

Gandhi freed India at sixty one.

Bill Gates started Microsoft at nineteen.

A seventy three year old lady I

Know of did her first handstand recently.

Stop complaining and making excuses.

We’re all gonna die. C’mon – turn it off!

Dream it, need it, work it, go and get it.

Old dogs, new dogs, can or can’t, will or won’t.

Be one who will. You know you can do it!

Get MAD!


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