FRESH HORSES FOR DESK JOCKEYS and other living people who spend too much time sitting down

"Get up and move."  We've heard it our entire lives.  Yet acting on that simple directive periodically throughout the day can do more to energize us and to enhance the quality of our lives than any other prescription we receive.  And that includes the "ones that mother gives us," the kinds we get from our doctors, and even the advice-type on diet and lifestyle that spew at us pretty much 24-7 from all kinds of sources.

Everyone knows we shouldn't sit so much.  But maybe we could use a little help figuring out how to change things.  For desk jockeys, people who drive for long stretches, and for the rest of us who stare at lighted screens for extended lengths of time, check out this video that I put together with my pal, Dixon Troyer, the VP of operations and head trainer at 3 Elements Lifestyle in SoCal.   It offers up a simple, new prescription to take every 45 minutes to restore that flagging mojo caused by all that sitting down. Anyone can do it and everyone can benefit from it.  Give it a try.  And pass it on!



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